Friday, October 17, 2008

Be warned

I always ignored the emails that do the rounds warning people to watch out for unfortunate incidences.... well, here is my story:

I (mary mwithiga) was shoping at a supermarket in town (Imalaseko in Dar town) and as i carried on, i lingered over some cute looking candles that seemed they'd look good in my house... little did i know that some dude was up to no good!
He was smartly dressed. He seemed interested in the same candles and was busy smelling one when he drew my attention to smell the same... and as he took a step towards me, holding out the candle for me to smell, while telling me how nice it smells etc... i was hit by a strong/pungent smell of alcohol!
I stepped back immediately cos the last thing i needed was to deal with a drunkard! I asked him if he worked at the supermarket and he said yes.I was very disgusted with that particular store if that's the calibre of attendants they work with! I immediately thought to confirm if the dude worked there and was told he is not an employee.
By then, My heart started racing at a dangerous pace! I was prompted to pray quietly in my heart to God, to help me not loose consciousness and to keep me safe!My knees were getting weaker and weaker and hands shaking and my head lighter and lighter.
I tried to tell 3 other persons that "that dude over there" is up to nogood and they all gave me that stare like "duh!" anyways, i got my phone out and called for help from my office as its just around the corner.
All the while "that dude" made sure i was always in sight... (i guess waiting for when the drug would take full effect and then he'd pounce on his helpless victim...) Help arrived in good time and i was taken to hospital. Luckily, i hadn't sniffed lethal quantities as i stepped back very very quickly!

So kindly be careful who you talk to even as you do your shopping ladies and probably gentlemen too.

You are probably asking what would such a dude do? He'd wait till you are strength wears out and you loose consiousness then he'd pretend you guys were together and he'd even hire a cab and take you to an unknown destination while robbing and God knows whatever else they would have in their filthy mind to do...
Today being Wednesday, withdrawal symptoms are still evident, what with an unexplainable headache and drowsiness and excessive fatigue etc.
God is Great. He saved me from the claws of the enemy.
Praise His Name Forever!

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