GAVANA WA Benki Kuu na manaibu wake kwa mujibu wa mikataba ya kazi zao, wanastahili kupewa nyumba ya kuishi kila mmoja. Hapo awali Gavana alikuwa anaishi Barabara ya Mahando kiwanja namba 387Masaki na Naibu Gavana Barabara ya Msese kiwanja Namba 43.
Awali Benki Kuu ilikuwa na viongozi wakuu wawili, Gavana na Naibu wake mmoja. Baada ya mabadiliko ya Sheria ya mwaka 2006, Benki Kuu ina viongozi wakuu wanne; Gavana na Manaibu wake watatu. Kila mmoja wao, kwa mikataba iliyowekwa anastahili kupata nyumba ya kuishi.
Mwaka 2006, kabla ya uteuzi wa viongozi wa sasa wa juu, Benki Kuu ilifanya uamuzi wa kujenga nyumba mbili zaidi kwa makazi ya viongozi walioongezeka. Iliamuliwa nyumba hizi zijengwe kiwanja namba 57 Barabara ya Mtwara Crescent na kiwanja namba 12 Barabara ya Tumbawe maeneo ya Oysterbay.Viwanja vyote viwili vilikuwa ni mali ya Benki Kuu vilivyokuwa na magofu yaliyopigwa marufuku kuishi wanadamu (condemned).
Timu ya wataalamu waelekezi ikiongozwa na M/S SKY Architects Consultants iliajiriwa kutengeneza michoro na ramani za nyumba hizo. Michoro miwili ilichaguliwa, moja kwa kila nyumba ili wataalamu hao watengeneze ramani kamili ya ujenzi. Nyumba zote mbili zilipangwa ziwe za ghorofa moja, vyumba vitano vya kulala, wenyeji na wageni, sebule ya wageni, sebule ya familia, mahali pa kulia na vyoo na mabafu yanayoendana na idadi ya vyumba. Majengo ya nje ni pamoja na nyumba ya kuishi watumishi, gereji ya magari, bwawa dogo la kuogelea, ukuta na vyombo vya usalama na kibanda cha walinzi.
Huduma zilizogharimiwa katika ujenzi wa nyumba hizi ni pamoja na mashine ya umeme (generator), mashine ya kupoza hewa na matenki ya kuhifadhi maji. Wakati huohuo, shughuli zingine zilizofanyika ilikuwa ni kutengeneza mahali pa kuegesha magari pamoja na bustani.
Wataalamu hawa baada ya uchoraji huu walifanya tathmini ya vifaa vinavyohitajika na maelekezo kwa wazabuni ili itumike kualika zabuni. Taratibu zote za manunuzi zilifuata sheria ya manunuzi katika kuwaalika wazabuni na kuteua wakandarasi. Kila nyumba ilikuwa ni mradi unaojitegemea na kila moja ilifanyiwa zabuni peke yake.
Izingatiwe kuwa ujenzi wa nyumba hizi ulipangwa na kuamuliwa kabla ya uteuzi wa Profesa Benno Ndulu kujiunga na Benki Kuu Septemba 2007.
Tangazo la kuwaalika wazabuni kwenye kiwanja namba 12 Barabara ya Tumbawe lilichaapishwa katika gazeti la Daily News la Februari 26,2008.Wakandarasi wote wa daraja la pili au la juu zaidi walialikwa kuwasilisha zabuni na walitakiwa kulipa ada ya shilingi 50,000. Wakandarasi 12 walituma maombi na kuchukua hati za zabuni.Lakini kati ya hao 10, waliwasilisha maombi yao kabla ya kufikia tamati ya kupokelewa maombi hayo Machi 25,2008.
Zabuni hizi zilifunguliwa na Bodi ya Zabuni ya Benki Kuu na kufanyiwa tathimini ikishirikisha mtaalamu mwelekezi wa mradi huo na Idara ya Miliki ya Benki Kuu. Mapendekezo kutoka kwa wakandarasi yalikuwa na viwango vya gharama kuanzia Shilingi 1,399,184,549.00 hadi shilingi 1,847,763,537.00 kwa kiwango cha juu. Baada ya tathmini ya zabuni hizo na kufanya masahihisho ya tarakimu zilizowasilishwa, mzabuni aliyeshinda kwa kuwa na gharama ya chini kuliko wote alikuwa ni M/S Eletrics International Co. Limited. Gharama yake baada ya masahihisho ilikuwa ni Shilingi 1,274,295,025.26.
Taarifa ya tathimini hiyo ilipitia tena kwenye Bodi ya Wazabuni na ndipo ilipofikia uamuzi wa kumteua M/S Eletrics International Co. Limited kwa bei ambayo haitabadilika (fixed price) ya Shilingi 1,274,295,025.26 ya kukamilisha ujenzi huu katika wiki 32.Mkataba wa ujenzi na mkandarasi huyo ulitiwa sahihi Juni 03,2008 na kazi ya ujenzi ikaanza mara moja. Mkandarasi huyu aliteuliwa na Bodi Zabuni (DSM) ya Benki Kuu ikaridhia kuwa M/S Remco (International) Limited ishughulikie maswala aya vipoza hewa; M/s Ginde EAP Services Ltd ishughulikie maswala ya maji safi, mabomba na maji taka na M/s Pomy Engineering Co.Ltd ishughulikie maswala ya umeme. Makampuni yote hayo yamesajiliwa Tanzania.
Wazabuni wa nyumba Namba 57 Mtwara Crescent nao pia walialikwa kwa mfumo huohuo wa ushindani wakianza na wakandarasi watano (5) ambao waliwasilisha maombi yao na kuishia na uteuzi wa M/s Holtan Builders Ltd ambayo gharama yake ya Shilingi 1,272,348,512.00 (fixed price) ilikuwa ni ya chini kuwashinda wengine na makubaliano ya kukamilisha ujenzi katika muda wa wiki 24. Mkandarasi huyo alitumia kampuni zifuatazo kwa shughuli zingine: M/s Jandu Construction & Plumbers Ltd kwa shughuli za mabomba, maji safi, na maji taka, M/s Barkley Electrical Contractors Ltd kwa maswala ya umeme na M/s Remco (International) Ltd kwa shughuli za vipoza hewa. Mkandarasi ndiye mlipaji wa gharama za shughuli hizi zote zinalipiwa kutokana na gharama ileile iliyokubalika kwa mkandarasi mkuu.
Watendaji wote wa miradi hii wanaonyeshwa kwenye mabango ambayo bado yapo kwenye viwanja hivyo. Uteuzi wa Gavana Ndulu, Manaibu Gavana, Dkt. Enos Bukuku na Bw.Lila Mkila ulifanyika wakati mipango ya awali ya kujenga nyumba hizi
ilikuwa imeshaanza. Benki Kuu ilikodisha nyumba mbili, mojakiwanja namba 480 Barabara ya Bray, Masaki na nyingine kiwanja namba 591,Msasani Peninsular kwa matumizi ya viongozi hao wawili ambao walikuwa bado wanaishi kwenye nyumba zao mbali na ofisi.
Kati ya Oktoba 2007 aliporipoti kazini kama Naibu Gavana hadi Aprili 2008, Profesa Ndulu aliishi kwenye nyumba yake iliyoko Mbezi Beach, na Naibu Gavana Mkila naye pia aliishi nyumbani kwake kabla ya kuhamia kwenye nyumba hizi zilizokodishwa.
Benki Kuu iliamua kumhamisha Naibu Gavana Juma Reli kwenda Barabara ya Mahando Masaki ili kuruhusu matengenezo ya nyumba aliyokuwa anaishi Kinondoni Barabara ya Msese. Naibu Gavana Dkt.Bukuku anaishi kwenye nyumba yake na Benki Kuu inatoa posho ya nyumba kulingana na mkataba.
Nyumba hizo mbili zilizojengwa chini ya miradi iliyotajwa, sasa hivi zimekamilika.Gavana wa Benki Kuu, Profesa Ndulu alihamia nyumba namba 12 Barabara ya Tumbawe Desemba 17,2009 na Naibu Gavana Mkila alihamia nyumba namba 57 Mtwara Crescent Desemba 4,2009
Kama ilivyo kiutaratibu, ukaguzi wa mahesabu yanayohusu miradi hiyo utafanyika kisheria. Kwa mujibu wa Sheria ya Benki Kuu ya mwaka 2006, Mkaguzi Mkuu wa Serikali (CAG) ndiye mkaguzi wa mahesabu ya Benki Kuu; ambaye ameanza kufanya kazi hii tangu mwaka 2007. Yeye ameiteua kampuni ya Ernst & Young kama wakaguzi wa kumsaidia kutekeleza jukumu hili.
SEPTEMBA 30, 2009
Bank of Tanzania Executive officers are entitled to official residence provided by the Bank. Initially the Bank used to have only two executive officers, the Governor and one Deputy Governor. The Governor was living at BOT house No. 387 Mahando Street and Deputy Governor at BOT house No. 43 Msese Road. As a result of the changes made in section 8 of the Bank of Tanzania Act, 2006, the Bank has now four Executives, the Governor and three Deputy Governors, for whom it is obliged to provide official accommodation.
In 2006, in advance of the presidential appointment of the current office bearers, the Bank decided to construct two additional executive accommodations, one on plot No. 12 Tumbawe Road and another on plot No. 57 Mtwara Crescent at Oysterbay, Dar es Salaam. A team of consultants led by M/S SKY Architects Consultants was engaged to provide schematic drawings that were reviewed by the Bank and two of these, one for each plot, were selected for detailed design stage.
Each residence was designed to be a one storey building with five bedrooms, visitors lounge, family lounge, dining area and associated service rooms. The outbuildings include servant’s quarter, car ports, swimming pool, boundary wall, security systems and guard house. Services include power generator, central cooling system and water storage facilities while external works include landscaping and paved car park.
The consultants then prepared bills of quantities and technical specification that were compiled to form tender documents ready for tender process. All procedures in line with procurement laws and regulation were adhered to, when determining the cost of each of the residences as well as in selecting contractors and sub contractors. Each residence was considered as an independent project and a separate tender process was carried out for each one.
It is important for the public to know that, the planning and decision to have these houses constructed was done before Prof Benno Ndulu was appointed at the Bank of Tanzania.
Tenderers for works at plot No. 12 Tumbawe Street were invited using competitive open tender advertised on the Daily News of 26th February 2008. Interested contractors of class II and above were invited to apply for tender document and were instructed to pay non-refundable tender fee of Tshs 50,000/=.
A total of 12 contractors applied and collected the tender documents, but only 10 submitted their bids before deadline, 25th March 2008. The received tenders were opened by BOT Tender Board and forwarded to Project Consultant via the Bank of Tanzania Estate Management Department for evaluation. Tender results read during tender opening ranged from the lowest tender price of Tshs 1,399,184,549.00 to the highest price of Tshs 1,847,763,537.00.
After tender evaluation, which involved preliminary examination of tender, arithmetic correction and detailed analysis, the lowest evaluated bidder was determined to be M/s Electrics International Co. Limited at a corrected tender price of Tshs 1,274,295,025.26. Evaluation report was deliberated by BOT Tender Board and it was approved to award construction works to M/s Electrics International Co. Limited at a fixed contract price of Tshs 1,274,295,025.26 and 32 weeks completion period.
Contract agreement between the Bank and the contractor was signed on 3rd June 2008 and construction works started immediately thereafter. Subcontractors for specialized works were nominated and approved by the BOT Tender Board. These included M/s Remco (International) Ltd for Air Conditioning installation, M/s Ginde EAP Services Ltd for plumbing and drainage systems and M/s Pomy Engineering Co. Ltd for Electrical installations. All these companies are registered in Tanzania.
Tenderers for house no. 57 Mtwara Crescent were invited through a competitive tender method where 5 short-listed contractors were invited to collect tender documents and bid for work. Submitted tenders went through the same tender process detailed above that resulted into M/s Holtan Builders Ltd being determined the lowest evaluated bidder at Tshs 1,272,348,512.00 and 24 weeks completion period.
Subcontractor nominated and approved in this case were M/s Jandu Construction & Plumbers Ltd for plumbing and drainage systems, M/s Barkley Electrical Contractors Ltd for electrical installation and M/s Remco (International) Ltd for Air Conditioning installation. The cost for specialized works undertaken by subcontractors for each site is included on the fixed contract prices for respective main contractor. Likewise, lists of project parties for both works are displayed on the sign boards that are still erected at the front side of respective plots.
While the two projects were still on preliminarily stages, appointment of the three new executive officers to Bank of Tanzania was completed. The Bank was thus compelled to rent two residential houses one on plot No. 480 Bray Road Masaki and another on plot No. 591 at Msasani Peninsular.
One house was allocated to Professor Benno Ndulu, by then the first Deputy Governor, and another to Deputy Governor Lila Mkila. Prior to moving to this rented house; between October 2007 and April 2008, Prof Ndulu lived in his own house in Mbezi Beach. Likewise Deputy Governor Mkila stayed in his own house before moving to the rented premise.
These movements were to facilitate easy access to the office in light of traffic congestion in the city. It was decided to relocate Deputy Governor Juma Reli to house No. 387 Mahando Street to give way for planned refurbishment required at house No. 43 Msese road. Deputy Governor Enos Bukuku is residing in his own private house, and is paid housing allowance in lieu of occupying official residence as entitled – pending the planned refurbishment of Plot No. 43 Msese road residence.
The construction of the two executive residences has now been completed. Both Governor Ndulu and Deputy Governor Mkila, who were residing in rented houses have relocated to the new Bank of Tanzania official residences. The Governor has relocated to house No. 12 Tumbawe Road since 17th December 2009 and Deputy Governor Mkila to house No. 57 Mtwara Crescent since 4th December 2009.
As it is with all other Bank of Tanzania projects, these too will be subject to the usual audit process. It might be important for the public to know that, as stipulated in the Bank of Tanzania Act 2006 the Controller and Auditor General (CAG) is the external auditor for the Bank. The CAG has retained the services of the Ernst and Young, an international audit firm to support the external audit work of the Bank.
Issued by Public Relations & Protocol Department